Atlas zPaaS keeps shining
when legacy or blockchain
Atlas is the fruit of 7 years of R&D and projects in Aerospace
Verifiable, multi-tier data defines Digital Supply Chain 3.0

Data is gold in the digital and AI era, especially when it comes to manage a supply chain. But verifying product or process data - when each can add elements - remains a challenge that can slow down business and put consumer safety or regulatory compliance at risk. Verifiable data means that any direct or indirect recipient in the supply chain can verify the following for each element:
- Origin: identity of the source.
- Integrity: element has not been tampered with.
- Currentness: element has not been updated or deleted. It is the latest and active version.
- Consistency: element does not contradict or repudiate others.
Today, collaboration networks or SaaS Control Towers centralize and distribute multi-tier data.
But participants experience two major drawbacks:
- Apps are owned by the operator and implement generic processes that often don't fit or differentiate them.
- They can't verify data as defined above and must trust the operator or reconcile elements manually, which is time-consuming and error-prone.
Blockchains and DLTs got supply chain professionals' attention, as potential open platforms to mediate transparently within supply chain networks. Unfortunately, however, they disrupt current architectures built on messaging and ERP paradigms.
- Blockchains' data is anonymous and public by design. Users can't verify its origin.
- DLT users must be part of the operating consortium to fully verify data, which leads to impractical governance with "too many cooks in the kitchen".
Atlas zPaaS provides all the capabilities you expect and desire
- Open platform on which to build apps.
- Multi-tier data that's verifiable by non-operating participants.
- No IT overhaul: integrate your ERP, EDI, and PKI as is.
Atlas is the first zero-trust application platform as a service
or zPaaS

As required by current regulations and eBusiness standards in all industries, Atlas zPaaS implements NIST-compliant digital identities and signatures secured via certificate authorities. Verifiable, multi-enterprise data is governed and replicated by distributed, replayable services called zContracts, which are synchronized via dedicated ledgers. Use zApps to integrate and verify out-of-the-box zContracts, including their data.
With Atlas zPaaS, receive and fully verify multi-tier data from your supply chain without trusting the platform operator, a central authority, a consortium, or decentralized miners – zero-trust.
Atlas uses a hybrid protocol to provide messaging and consensus among zApps. Based on zApps activity, Atlas dynamically provisions and configures zContracts to integrate your ERP and process your EDI transactions AS IS.
Atlas adapts to fit your current systems, not the reverse - No IT overhaul
Watch this video to understand why you can
leapfrog blockchain/web3 with zPaaS
Leverage the best features in market today
fully integrated and easy to use
50+% savings on build and run costs
3x faster in production
Zero-trust and security
NIST-compliant cryptography
Identity verification – no spoofing
Granular confidentiality
Verifiable consensus
Business network
Global connectivity
Open and closed communities
Trading partner management
Dynamic provisioning of zContracts
All formats of data and documents
Terabytes of relational data per app
Petabytes of documents per app
Secure storage in the cloud
Secure messaging
EDI-based and custom multi-party processes
No loss, no duplication, no repudiation
Transaction finality in seconds
Delivery notifications
Full stack app platform
Distributed relational database
Multi-enterprise services
Digital assets, digital passports
Connectors, APIs, and WebApps
Node and software as a service
Hybrid cloud
Horizontal scalability
High availability / Disaster recovery