Sky Republic

September 2019

Podcast Interview with Sky Republic’s founder on Digital Consensus

Listen to this very informative podcast where Marco Brienza & Jérémie Wagner of Airccelerate interviews Chris Fabre on Enterprise Blockchain and entrepreneurship. Through very concrete use cases in Supply Chain and Healthcare, Chris explains simply how consumers, patients and enterprises will benefit from blockchain smart contracts and the digital consensus they can create in any business ecosystem. “Digital consensus will revolutionize how enterprises transact” Chris Fabre, Founder & CEO, Sky Republic. Questions asked: How did you become an entrepreneur? What is your definition of “Digital Consensus”? What are the differences between cryptocurrencies and enterprise blockchains? You are a middleware expert, which benefits does blockchain provide compared to EDI or API? Can you give us examples of use cases in Supply Chain, Air Transportation, or even Healthcare where blockchain smart contracts deliver benefits through digital consensus? Do you see a growing interest of enterprises for blockchain? What s the impact on your startup? What s the next step for Sky Republic (i.e. fund raising?)? Is it more difficult to sell blockchain outside of the financial industry? What was the biggest difficulty you had to overcome so far? Your biggest achievement? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Français Dans ce podcast, Chris Fabre, le fondateur de Sky Republic, réponds aux questions de Marco Brienza & Jérémie Wagner d’Airccelerate sur les blockchains d’entreprise et son parcours d’entrepreneur. A travers des exemples concrets issus de la logistique, de l’aviation ou de la santé, Chris explique très simplement comment de nombreux secteurs économiques peuvent tirer parti du consensus digital créé par les smart contracts pour améliorer notre vie quotidienne. “Le concept de consensus digital peut révolutionner la manière dont les entreprises transactent.” Chris Fabre, Fondateur & CEO de Sky Republic. Questions posées: Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours d’entrepreneur ? Qu’entends-tu par ‘Consensus digital’ ? Quelles sont les différences entre les cryptocurrencies et les blockchains d’entreprise ? Toi qui viens du middleware, qu’est-ce que la blockchain apporte de plus que l’EDI ou une API ? Fret, aviation ou encore santé: quels sont les cas d’usage où la blockchain et les smart contracts permettent de bénéficier du consensus digital ? Vois-tu un intérêt croissant des entreprises pour la blockchain et si oui quel impact sur ta startup ? Quel est le prochain stade d’évolution pour Sky Republic (ex. levée de fonds?) ? Est-ce que c’est plus dur de vendre de la blockchain quand on est pas dans l’industrie financière ? La plus grosse difficulté que tu as dû surmonter ? Et la plus grosse victoire ?

Podcast Interview with Sky Republic’s founder on Digital Consensus Read More »

Air Logistics International Feature Article

Alwyn Brice, Managing Editor of Air Logistics International, and Chris Fabre, Founder of Sky Republic, discuss why blockchain is more than just an enabler for cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is in fact a software category encompassing very different, even orthogonal technologies, able to establish a digital consensus among partners in the logistics chain. Discover how Enterprise platforms, and smart contracts in particular, can be used to upgrade EDI solutions which are expensive and fragment ecosystems such as Air Cargo but also MRO. While providing an overview of the state of the art, Brice and Fabre discuss how the five pains of B2B ecosystems can be solved to enable true real time digital experiences. Click here to read the full article and learn why blockchain will be one of the instruments enabling the coming [r]evolution of the supply chain.

Air Logistics International Feature Article Read More »

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