Sky Republic

Blockchain Technology

Chris Fabre Joins Distinguished Panel on MRO Post Covid-19 Webinar

Source Article: SITA and trade association ULD Care hope to bring new efficiency to the air cargo industry by exploring the use of blockchain to digitally track and record change of custody of airline cargo containers or Unit Load Devices (ULDs) across their journey. By eliminating inefficiency, embedding always-on tracking of ULDs and abandoning redundant paper systems, the use of blockchain is expected to save the industry $400m a year in improved efficiency, fewer losses and prevention of damage. The proposed platform also offers a wide range of authentication and trust-based benefits, reducing the risk of tampering, cybercrime, trade-based money laundering, fraud, and illicit trade. Bob Rogers, Vice President and Treasurer, ULD Care, said: “Air cargo represents only 1 percent of all global trade in terms of volume but accounts for 35 percent of the total trade value and the inefficiency is significant. A container traveling from Shanghai to Long Beach could take up to 30 days to finish its journey, but the true travel time on sea or road is only around 15 days, with the remaining time spent on back-office and paperwork. The use of blockchain could revolutionize that process.” Today more than 800 million ULDs are in use by airlines yet the system used to track these ULDs has only been partial digitalized and relies on incomplete data sharing and record keeping. The proposed blockchain system improves efficiency by making use of all data points across the air cargo journey and provides a platform that aggregates and processes the ULD data in a trusted and secure way. The PoC will extend and upgrade the current ULD interlining platform to include non-airline third parties such as ground handlers via open APIs and a new modern interface. The results will transform the industry by lifting the veil on a myriad of previously unknown factors like damage reports. Knowing the location of all ULD’s (and therefore cargo) at all times means companies can accurately track where loss or damage occurs and recover the costs without dispute. For any given shipment there can be up to 12 custodian companies monitoring and tracking the cargo, with many relying on paper documents making the process cumbersome and undermined by trust and transparency issues. Blockchain presents a near-perfect solution to address these industry pain points with huge time and cost-saving potential. Matthys Serfontein, President of Air Travel Solutions for SITA said: “We are looking at blockchain very closely and we’re excited to test the potential of the technology to transform the air cargo industry. Beyond cargo and across the air transport industry we see huge potential for blockchain to address common challenges. The biggest obstacles standing in the way of a seamless passenger journey and truly efficient air travel, are the siloed processes across the many stakeholders, including airlines, airports, ground handlers and control authorities. They act as significant speed bumps at every step of the way.” This project forms part of SITA’s Global Blockchain Alliance which is leading exploration into blockchain’s potential for the air transport industry. SITA’s role, as the air transport community’s IT provider, is to provide governance for the global alliance, support the working groups, deliver all required blockchain technology components and ensure proper alignment and validation with regulators and international standardization bodies.

Chris Fabre Joins Distinguished Panel on MRO Post Covid-19 Webinar Read More »

Chris Fabre Moderates AZ Tech Council’s Blockchain Tech Sector Series

Great content at the enterprise blockchain event we sponsored yesterday! Many thanks to: – the audience who drove in the rain to assist, safely used foot & elbow shakes, and asked tons of smart questions – the panelists: Sean Melia Henry Welborn Chad Eylander Laura Buffard and their respective companies who let them come & share SITA IBM CVS HealthKudelski IoT Security – the moderator: our own Chris Fabre – the great Arizona Technology Council team for organizing: Jill A. BrownleyDeborah Zack Steven Zylstra #enterpriseblockchain #smartcontracts #greaterphxtogether #coopetition#yesphx

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SITA and key industry partners launch MRO Blockchain Alliance

SITA and key industry partners launch MRO Blockchain Alliance, the air transport’s first industry-wide investigation into the use of blockchain to track, trace and record aircraft parts. Use of blockchain to track aircraft parts could save the industry an estimated US$3.5bn #blockchain #aircraft #smartcontracts #coopetition #innovation#partnersmakemorepossible Learn more >

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Podcast Interview with Sky Republic’s founder on Digital Consensus

Listen to this very informative podcast where Marco Brienza & Jérémie Wagner of Airccelerate interviews Chris Fabre on Enterprise Blockchain and entrepreneurship. Through very concrete use cases in Supply Chain and Healthcare, Chris explains simply how consumers, patients and enterprises will benefit from blockchain smart contracts and the digital consensus they can create in any business ecosystem. “Digital consensus will revolutionize how enterprises transact” Chris Fabre, Founder & CEO, Sky Republic. Questions asked: How did you become an entrepreneur? What is your definition of “Digital Consensus”? What are the differences between cryptocurrencies and enterprise blockchains? You are a middleware expert, which benefits does blockchain provide compared to EDI or API? Can you give us examples of use cases in Supply Chain, Air Transportation, or even Healthcare where blockchain smart contracts deliver benefits through digital consensus? Do you see a growing interest of enterprises for blockchain? What s the impact on your startup? What s the next step for Sky Republic (i.e. fund raising?)? Is it more difficult to sell blockchain outside of the financial industry? What was the biggest difficulty you had to overcome so far? Your biggest achievement? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Français Dans ce podcast, Chris Fabre, le fondateur de Sky Republic, réponds aux questions de Marco Brienza & Jérémie Wagner d’Airccelerate sur les blockchains d’entreprise et son parcours d’entrepreneur. A travers des exemples concrets issus de la logistique, de l’aviation ou de la santé, Chris explique très simplement comment de nombreux secteurs économiques peuvent tirer parti du consensus digital créé par les smart contracts pour améliorer notre vie quotidienne. “Le concept de consensus digital peut révolutionner la manière dont les entreprises transactent.” Chris Fabre, Fondateur & CEO de Sky Republic. Questions posées: Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours d’entrepreneur ? Qu’entends-tu par ‘Consensus digital’ ? Quelles sont les différences entre les cryptocurrencies et les blockchains d’entreprise ? Toi qui viens du middleware, qu’est-ce que la blockchain apporte de plus que l’EDI ou une API ? Fret, aviation ou encore santé: quels sont les cas d’usage où la blockchain et les smart contracts permettent de bénéficier du consensus digital ? Vois-tu un intérêt croissant des entreprises pour la blockchain et si oui quel impact sur ta startup ? Quel est le prochain stade d’évolution pour Sky Republic (ex. levée de fonds?) ? Est-ce que c’est plus dur de vendre de la blockchain quand on est pas dans l’industrie financière ? La plus grosse difficulté que tu as dû surmonter ? Et la plus grosse victoire ?

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Air Logistics International Feature Article

Alwyn Brice, Managing Editor of Air Logistics International, and Chris Fabre, Founder of Sky Republic, discuss why blockchain is more than just an enabler for cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is in fact a software category encompassing very different, even orthogonal technologies, able to establish a digital consensus among partners in the logistics chain. Discover how Enterprise platforms, and smart contracts in particular, can be used to upgrade EDI solutions which are expensive and fragment ecosystems such as Air Cargo but also MRO. While providing an overview of the state of the art, Brice and Fabre discuss how the five pains of B2B ecosystems can be solved to enable true real time digital experiences. Click here to read the full article and learn why blockchain will be one of the instruments enabling the coming [r]evolution of the supply chain.

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Cryptocurrency Startup Circle Raises $110 Million Funding Round

Circle announced yesterday that they raised  $100M to implement a digital dollar on par with fiat currency. Is this the right direction for digital cash, and will banks/central banks follow? One thing is for sure: it will allow private blockchains to handle cash settlements in a more secure way than crypto platforms. To read more click here.

Cryptocurrency Startup Circle Raises $110 Million Funding Round Read More »

US Treasury Offers Advice to Government Agencies Interested in Blockchain

The US Department of the Treasury published a blog post offering advice to other government agencies that are interested in adopting blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) in their internal systems. Such systems, the bureau wrote, are most useful for departments in which central gate-keeping is expensive (such as when staff must manually verify transactions) and there is less than total trust between different parties in the ecosystem. The post includes several lessons that officials gleaned while experimenting with a proof of concept blockchain system that began in October and sought to utilize DLT-based systems to track physical assets such as computers and smartphones, and agency officials praised the technology’s ability to reduce fraud and increase efficiency. Reflecting on the trial, the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS) advised agencies to cut through the hype surrounding blockchain technology and honestly consider whether a distributed ledger will add value to their operations. Sky Republic’s POV: This is a good example of how executives and enterprise architects need to cut through the hype, and start by clearly identifying the business case or use case. They also need to understand the different value props that each blockchain platform offers, recognizing that not all blockchain platforms were purpose-built with the same enterprise goals in mind, especially when building trust across a B2B ecosystem is so important. To read the full article click here.

US Treasury Offers Advice to Government Agencies Interested in Blockchain Read More »

Sky Republic Partner Program

Corporate Supply Chain Execs See Possibilities of Blockchain Tech

A recent survey of 42 supply chain managers from Chain Business Insights finds that 43% intend to introduce blockchain into their supply chains over the coming year, and another 20% within the next two years. Advantages seen include improving supply chain visibility and transparency (cited by 46%), while 24% see potential to reduce transaction costs. 80% of respondents indicate that blockchain will play a role in tracking products moving through the supply chain. Another 60% see it as a way to share information with suppliers. A similar number see it as a way to share payment information such as purchase orders. Click here to read the Forbes article. 

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