Sky Republic

Enterprise Blockchain

Sky Republic Recognized in Four Gartner Hype Cycle 2023 Reports

We are proud to share that Gartner named Sky Republic a sample vendor/pioneer in four 2023 Hype Cycles: Blockchain / Web3 Application Architecture and Integration Cloud Platform Services XaaS Our Atlas platform allows to quickly develop and deploy distributed apps, smart contract and NFTs on a permissioned, confidential, and scalable infrastructure (enterprise eBaaS). Atlas can augment processes and data sharing within current digital supply chains without impacting ERPs and EDI transactions in place.

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Sky Republic Recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle 2022 for Blockchain / Web3

We are proud to share that Gartner named Sky Republic a sample vendor/pioneer in the 2022 Hype Cycle for Blockchain/Web3. Our Atlas platform allows to quickly develop and deploy ecosystem apps, smart contract and NFTs on a permissioned, confidential, and scalable infrastructure (enterprise eBaaS). Atlas can augment processes and data sharing within current digital supply chains without impacting ERPs and EDI transactions in place.

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Chris Fabre Joins Distinguished Panel on MRO Post Covid-19 Webinar

Source Article: SITA and trade association ULD Care hope to bring new efficiency to the air cargo industry by exploring the use of blockchain to digitally track and record change of custody of airline cargo containers or Unit Load Devices (ULDs) across their journey. By eliminating inefficiency, embedding always-on tracking of ULDs and abandoning redundant paper systems, the use of blockchain is expected to save the industry $400m a year in improved efficiency, fewer losses and prevention of damage. The proposed platform also offers a wide range of authentication and trust-based benefits, reducing the risk of tampering, cybercrime, trade-based money laundering, fraud, and illicit trade. Bob Rogers, Vice President and Treasurer, ULD Care, said: “Air cargo represents only 1 percent of all global trade in terms of volume but accounts for 35 percent of the total trade value and the inefficiency is significant. A container traveling from Shanghai to Long Beach could take up to 30 days to finish its journey, but the true travel time on sea or road is only around 15 days, with the remaining time spent on back-office and paperwork. The use of blockchain could revolutionize that process.” Today more than 800 million ULDs are in use by airlines yet the system used to track these ULDs has only been partial digitalized and relies on incomplete data sharing and record keeping. The proposed blockchain system improves efficiency by making use of all data points across the air cargo journey and provides a platform that aggregates and processes the ULD data in a trusted and secure way. The PoC will extend and upgrade the current ULD interlining platform to include non-airline third parties such as ground handlers via open APIs and a new modern interface. The results will transform the industry by lifting the veil on a myriad of previously unknown factors like damage reports. Knowing the location of all ULD’s (and therefore cargo) at all times means companies can accurately track where loss or damage occurs and recover the costs without dispute. For any given shipment there can be up to 12 custodian companies monitoring and tracking the cargo, with many relying on paper documents making the process cumbersome and undermined by trust and transparency issues. Blockchain presents a near-perfect solution to address these industry pain points with huge time and cost-saving potential. Matthys Serfontein, President of Air Travel Solutions for SITA said: “We are looking at blockchain very closely and we’re excited to test the potential of the technology to transform the air cargo industry. Beyond cargo and across the air transport industry we see huge potential for blockchain to address common challenges. The biggest obstacles standing in the way of a seamless passenger journey and truly efficient air travel, are the siloed processes across the many stakeholders, including airlines, airports, ground handlers and control authorities. They act as significant speed bumps at every step of the way.” This project forms part of SITA’s Global Blockchain Alliance which is leading exploration into blockchain’s potential for the air transport industry. SITA’s role, as the air transport community’s IT provider, is to provide governance for the global alliance, support the working groups, deliver all required blockchain technology components and ensure proper alignment and validation with regulators and international standardization bodies.

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Blockchain/DLT Paving Way for Secure Data Sharing in Healthcare

Great article that aligns well with our perspective and the potential benefits of distributed ledgers in healthcare: “Today, healthcare data is mostly in silos within enterprises across providers, payers, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and increasingly also with patients and consumer health organizations. There is massive untapped potential to both improve the quality of patient care and reduce the cost of care with targeted safe sharing of this healthcare data. In the near term, blockchain, or decentralized ledger technology, can be used across a broad variety of existing B2B networks of health and life sciences organizations to enable secure discovery, location, and sharing of healthcare data.” Click here to read the full article.

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Why Enterprises Need A Middleware Approach To Blockchain

Following last week’s cyber security breach at Equifax, this article highlights why some consider blockchain not suitable to handle functionality typically provided by enterprise middleware such as identity management. Steve Wilson, an analyst at Constellation Research, who has studied the blockchain extensively has serious reservations about it as an identity management system: “Identity is not going to move to the blockchain in any big way (not as we know it). Blockchains were designed to solve problems quite different from identity management (IDM). We need to remember that the classic blockchain is an elaborate system that allows total strangers to nevertheless exchange real value reliably. It works without identity and without trust. So it’s simply illogical to think such a mechanism could have anything to offer identity,” To read the complete article click here. 

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The Importance Of Enterprise Blockchain

This article cites the results of some early blockchain trials by the Bank of Canada, revealing some of the enterprise limitations of DLT in its initial generation — like privacy and resiliency — but these are critical lessons to be learned. The future of DLT remains promising, though this example illustrates the importance of delivering a Trusted Digital Ecosystem that is enterprise-ready: Jasper tested two distributed ledger platforms. Phase one was built on “Ethereum,” which the bank said made the system more resilient but would be costly and raised key issues including privacy. Phase two, which began in December, used “Corda,” which addressed those concerns, but made the system less resilient. Corda was developed by the R3 fintech consortium, which includes Canada’s largest financial institutions.Read more:

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The Sky Republic Blockchain Revolution

Good article on how blockchain technologies, beyond cryptocurrencies, will help improve trust through improved transaction security. Nice mention of Sky Republic as an example of this with our forthcoming Trusted Digital Ecosystem: In the U.S., Sky Republic is readying what it calls a ‘trusted digital ecosystem’, combining digital ledger technologies with middleware, making it possible to integrate blockchain technology with other software. It wants to use blockchain-based identity management to manage business transactions from contract creation to settlement.Read more at

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